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Farm Demographics

(2017) Kane County Ag statistics

Average size of farms: 281 acres
Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $299,633
Average total farm production expenses per farm: $290,764
Average age of principal farm operators: 56
The value of nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 28.9%
The value of livestock as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 7%
Harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 95%
Corn for grain: 78,683 harvested acres
Soybeans for beans: 66,495 harvested acres
Forage land used for all hay & haylage, grass silage & greenchop: 5,570 harvested acres
All wheat for grain: 1,907 harvested acres

(2012) Kane County Ag statistics

Average size of farms: 286 acres
Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $332,465
Average total farm production expenses per farm: $278,110
Average age of principal farm operators: 57.5
The value of nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 26.5%
The value of livestock as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 16%
Harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 91.5%
Corn for grain: 91,877 harvested acres
Soybeans for beans: 46,189 harvested acres
Forage land used for all hay & haylage, grass silage & greenchop: 6,443 harvested acres
All wheat for grain: 2,488 harvested acres

(2007) Kane County Ag statistics

Average size of farms: 253 acres
Average value of agricultural products sold per farm: $261,011
Average total farm production expenses per farm: $204,293
Average age of principal farm operators: 56.1 years
The value of nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, and sod as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 40.62%
The value of livestock as a percentage of the total market value of agricultural products sold: 11%
Harvested cropland as a percentage of land in farms: 94.6%
Corn for grain: 114,809 harvested acres
Soybeans for beans: 46,546 harvested acres
All wheat for grain: 5,269 harvested acres